
Hearing Loss

A conductive hearing loss is a disruption to hearing sound within the outer and middle ear.

Causes are:

  • Blockage in the ear canal: Cerumen (wax) may build up over time within the ear canal to block the passage of sound, resulting in a temporary hearing loss.
  • Osteoma or Exotosis: These are bony growths inside the ear canal.  Over time, the sides of the ear canal may grow together to cause a hearing loss.
  • Tympanic Membrane Perforation: This is a hole in the eardrum that occurs for many reasons such as blunt force trauma (falling into a pool with your ear slapping the water first), or ear infection (too much fluid builds up and the eardrum ruptures to release the fluid).
  • Otitis Media: This is commonly known as an ear infection.  It usually occurs because the Eustachian Tube fails to open and close each time you swallow.  As a result, fresh oxygen is not allowed to flow up the tube to oxygenate the cells behind the eardrum.  As the cells become oxygen deprived, they rupture and release their fluid.  If the fluid becomes infected, it is called an ear infection, or otitis media.  Otitis media is the most common cause of hearing loss in children.

If you need clean ears then start spraying into your ears with our  Sinus & Hayfever Relief Product into the ears – do this as often as needed.

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss and occurs when there is damage or trauma to the cochlear nerve.

Some common causes include:

  • Noise: Exposure to loud noise, especially prolonged exposure, is the most common cause of hearing loss.  Noise does more damage to the auditory system than most people realise, which is why it is ranked number one.  The risk of noise exposure is widespread; affecting musicians, dentists, airport personnel, construction workers, mechanics, hunters, motor-sports enthusiasts, concert goers, etc.  Every exposure compounds with previous exposures to increase the likelihood of permanent hearing loss.  Hearing loss may occur after the initial exposure to noise or hearing loss may occur after repeated exposure. The robustness of each person’s auditory system is different; therefore, it is unknown if permanent hearing loss will require one exposure or a hundred exposures.
  • Presbycusis: The second most common cause of hearing loss is due to age.  Typically, your family genetics play a significant role in age-related hearing loss.  If your parents lost their hearing due to age, then you are more likely to lose your hearing as well.
  • Heredity: The genetic makeup of an individual may result in hearing loss.
    A sensorineural hearing loss is a known characteristic of certain hereditary syndromes.
  • Viruses: Measles and mumps are the two well-known viruses that can cause hearing loss. Viruses that may be carried in the blood stream can travel to the cochlea causing a sudden hearing loss that is usually not treatable with medication.
  • Meniere’s Disease:  This disease has three symptoms; fluctuating low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus. These symptoms may appear and disappear randomly.  There is no cure, rather the symptoms are treated as they manifest themselves.
  • Mixed hearing loss: Occurs when a person has conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.  For example, if a child was born with a sensorineural hearing loss and then gets an ear infection causing a conductive hearing loss, these two hearing losses combine to create a greater loss, known as a mixed hearing loss.

If you need clean ears then start spraying into your ears with our  Sinus & Hayfever Relief Product into the ears – do this as often as needed.

Any disease affecting the ear canal (external ear), eardrum, middle ear space or the three small ear bones may cause conductive hearing loss by interfering with the transmission of sound to the inner eardrum. Such a conductive hearing impairment may be due to a perforation (hole) in the eardrum, partial destruction or fixation of one or all the three little ear bones, or scar tissue around the ear bones or in the eardrum. Other causes of conductive hearing losses include wax in the ear canal, middle ear fluid, infection or any other process that would prevent sound from reaching the inner ear.

If you need clean ears then start spraying into your Ears with our  Sinus & Hayfever Relief Product into the ears – do this as often as is needed.

Blood Flow Abnormalities

Another potential cause of hearing loss is abnormal blood flow to the cochlea. Severe hypertension may lead to bleeding in the inner ear with resulting hearing loss. Poor blood flow from arteriosclerosis may lead to inadequate perfusion or flow of blood into the cochlea. These mechanisms may be described as a stroke of the inner ear. This cause is more commonly found in the elderly.

Regular use of Bound-Oxygen: Sinus & Hayfever Relief is what we suggest as it adds extra oxygen into the ear tubes, hydrolyzing the wax, and also killing the bacteria and fungi inside the ear-tubes – H2Oalso the removes biofilm. Use this product once a day in the ears, doing a more extensive cleaning once a week.

If you need clean ears then start spraying into your ears with our  Sinus & Hayfever Relief Product – do this as often as is needed.

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